PICES/GLOBEC Symposium on
Climate variability and ecosystem impacts on the North Pacific:
A basin-scale synthesis

Dear Presenters, Please check your abstracts and let us know (contact Julia Yazveko) about all necessary changes before February 22, 2006.

Book of Abstracts


  • Theme1: Regime shifts, especially, examination of the ocean and ecosystem responses to known strong, infrequent changes in the North Pacific, such as those that occurred in 1977, 1989, and 1998;
    [Schedule, Abstracts]

  • Theme2: Ecosystem productivity and structural responses to physical forcing, with an emphasis on shorter than inter-decadal time-scales-interannual (El Niño-La Niña), seasonal and event scales;
    [Schedule, Abstracts]

  • Theme3: Pan-Pacific comparisons, with an emphasis on comparisons of similar species or processes from multiple coastal ecosystems and of open ocean-coastal linkages and climate connections.
    [Schedule, Abstracts]


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