4th PICES Workshop on Okhotsk Sea and adjacent waters

August 27-29, 2008
Okhotsk campus of the Tokyo University of Agriculture, Abashiri, Japan
Call for Papers (download abstract submission form - doc, pdf)
Oral, poster and short paper presentations that contribute to the workshop objectives and Scientific Program are welcome. Requests for oral presentations will be reviewed by the Scientific Steering Committee and selections will be made on the basis of the submitted Abstract.
Presentation types
Short paper (extended abstract) – for interested persons who cannot attend (see below for details))
Abstract format
Maximum length: 250 words, including titles, names etc.
Language: English.
Font/pitch: Times New Roman/11pt
Page justification: Full
Paper size: A4
File types: .doc (MS WORD) or .rtf (Open Office Writer)
Abstract contents
Title of presentation: bold CAPITAL letters;
Name(s) of authors: Family name(s) in CAPITAL letters followed by Given name headed by capital; presenting author underlined;
Institution name, institution address (including city and country), email address;
One Blank line;
Abstract Text: Single line spacing and justified to occupy the full page width; Indent text of paragraphs by 3 spaces;
No photographs or figures (including letter head or logos);
Poster Dimensions
Maximum size of poster is 0.90m wide and 1.80m high;
Short Papers
Those who cannot attend the workshop but want to contribute to achieving its goals are encouraged to submit a short written paper (extended abstract) to any of the session topics. These contributions will be especially welcome if they propose key scientific questions, gaps of knowledge and necessary approaches to be an element of the Okhotsk Sea component of PICES FUTURE Program. Selected short papers will be copied, referred to during group discussions, and will be incorporated into the session reports.

Format of Short Papers

  1. Maximum length of short paper is to be 4 pages, including titles, names, Figs etc.;
  2. Short paper should be in English;
  3. All text should be in 11-point Times New Roman;
  4. Format:
    1. Title: bold Capitals;
  . 2. Name: Family name in capitals followed by Given name headed by capital; presenting author underlined;
    3. Institution, address, including city and country, email address;
    4. One Blank line;
    5. Abstract in 250 words;
    6. One Blank line;
    7. Text: Single line spacing and justified to occupy the full page width; Indent paragraphs by 3 spaces;
    8. References cited;
  5. Submitted as MS Word files by Email to WS Secretariat.
Book of Abstracts
A Book of Abstracts will be distributed to the participants during registration at the venue.
The workshop proceedings will be published as a numbered Scientific Report of PICES.
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