- Governing Council
- Science
- F&A: Finance
and Administration Committee
- Committees
- BIO: Biological
Oceanography Committee
- FIS: Fishery
Science Committee
- MEQ: Marine Environmental
Quality Committee
- POC: Physical
Oceanography and Climate Committee
- TCODE: Technical
Committee on Data Exchange
- MONITOR: Technical
Committee on Monitoring
- Working
- WG-26: Working
Group on Jellyfish Blooms around the North
Pacific Rim: Causes and Consequences
(Oct. 2010 - )
- WG-27: Working
Group on North Pacific Climate Variability and Change
(Jun. 2011 - 2015)
- WG-28: Working
Group on Development of Ecosystem Indicators to Characterize
Ecosystem Responses to Multiple Stressors
(Jun. 2011 - 2015)
- WG-29: Working Group on Regional Climate Modeling
(Jan. 2011 - Dec. 2014)
- WG-30: Working Group on Assessment of Marine Environmental Quality of Radiation around the North Pacific
(Aug. 2013 - Dec. 2016)
- WG-31: Working Group on Emerging Topics in Marine Pollution
(Jan. 2014 - Dec. 2016)
- WG-32: Working Group on Biodiversity of Biogenic Habitats
(Jan. 2015 - 2017)
- WG-33: Joint PICES/ICES Working Group on Climate Change and Biologically-driven Ocean Carbon Sequestration
(Oct. 2015 - 2018)
- WG-34: Joint PICES/ISC Working Group on Ocean Conditions and the Distribution and Productivity of Highly Migratory Fish
(Oct. 2015 - 2018)
- Disbanded Working Groups
- WG-21: Working
Group on Non-indigenous Aquatic Species
(Oct. 2005 - 2013)
Joint PICES/ICES Working Group on Forecasting Climate
Change Impacts on Fish and Shellfish
(Jan. 2009 - Oct. 2011)
- WG-24: Working
Group on Environmental Interactions of Marine Aquaculture
(Oct. 2008 - Oct. 2012)
- WG-23: Working
Group on Comparative ecology of krill in coastal and
oceanic waters around the Pacific Rim
(Oct. 2007 - Oct. 2011)
- WG-22: Working
Group on Iron supply and its impact on biogeochemistry
and ecosystems in the North Pacific Ocean
(Oct. 2007 - Oct. 2010)
- WG-20: Working
Group on Evaluations of Climate Change Projections
(Oct. 2005 - Oct. 2010 )
- WG-19:
Working Group on Ecosystem-based management science and its
application to the North Pacific
(Oct. 2004 - Oct. 2009)
- WG-18: Working
Group on Mariculture in the 21st century - The intersection
between ecology, socio-economics and production
(Oct. 2003 - Oct. 2006)
- WG-17: Working
Group on Biogeochemical data integration and synthesis
(Oct. 2001 - Oct. 2005)
- WG-16: Working
Group on Climate Change, Shifts in Fish Production, and Fisheries
(Oct. 1999 - Oct. 2005)
Working Group on North Pacific Ecosystem Status Report (Oct. 2002 - Oct.
- WG-15:
Working Group on Ecology of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in
the North Pacific
(Oct. 1999 - Oct. 2003)
- WG-14:
Working Group on Effective Sampling of Micronekton to Estimate
Ecosystem Carrying Capacity
(Oct. 1997 - Oct. 2004)
- WG-13:
Working Group on Carbon dioxide in the North Pacific
(Oct. 1997 - Oct. 2001)
- WG-12:
Working Group on Crabs and shrimps
(Oct. 1995 - Oct. 2001)
- WG-11:
Working Group on Consumption of marine resources by
marine birds and mammals
(Oct. 1995 - Oct. 1999)
- WG-10:
Working Group on Circulation and ventilation in the Japan/East
(Oct. 1995 - Oct. 1999)
- WG-9: Working Group on Subarctic Pacific Monitoring
(Oct. 1994 - Oct. 1997)
- WG-8: Working Group on Practical assessment methodology
(Oct. 1994 - Oct. 2000)
- WG-7: Working Group on Modeling of the subarctic
North Pacific circulation (Oct. 1993 - Oct. 1995)
- WG-6: Working Group on Subarctic Gyre
(Oct. 1992 - Oct. 1994)
- WG-5: Working Group on Bering Sea
(Oct.1992 - Oct. 1996)
- WG-4: Working Group on Data collection and quality
(Oct.1992 - Oct. 1994)
- WG-3
: Working Group on Dynamics of small pelagics in coastal
(Oct.1992 - Oct. 1995)
- WG-2: Working Group on Development of common assessment
methodology for marine pollution
(Oct.1992 - Oct. 1994)
- WG-1: Working Group on Okhotsk Sea and Oyashio Region
(Oct.1992 - Oct. 1993)
- Sections
- S-CCME: Section on Climate Change Effects on Marine Ecosystems
(Oct. 2011 – Dec. 2017)
- S-HD: Section on Human Dimensions of Marine Systems
(Oct. 2011 – Dec. 2017)
- S-HAB: Section on Ecology of Harmful Algal Blooms in the North Pacific
(Oct. 2003 - Oct. 2017)
- S-CC: Section on Carbon
and Climate
(Oct. 2005 - Oct. 2016)
- Study Groups
- SG-CERP: Study Group on Common Ecosystem Reference Points across PICES Member Countries
(Oct. 2015 - Oct. 2016)
- SG-CEP: Study Group on Climate and Ecosystem Predictability
(Oct. 2015 - Oct. 2016)
- SG-NPESR3: Study Group on North Pacific Ecosystem Status Report
(Jan. 2015 - Oct. 2016)
- SG-RSP: Study Group on Revising the Strategic Plan
(Jan. 2015 - Oct. 2016)
- SG-SEES: Study Group on Socio-Ecological-Environmental Systems
(Jan. 2014 - Dec. 2015)
- Disbanded Study Groups
- SG-SCISC: Joint ISC-PICES Study Group for Scientific Cooperation of
ISC and PICES (Apr. 2015 - Apr. 2016)
- SG-SCOOP: Joint PICES-NOWPAP Study Group on Scientific Cooperation in the North Pacific Ocean
(Jul. 2014 - Oct. 2015)
- SG-SC-NP: Joint NPAFC-PICES Study Group on Scientific Cooperation in the North Pacific Ocean
(Jun. 2013 - Oct. 2014)
- SG-BC: Study Group on Biodiversity Conservation
(Jan. 2014 - Oct. 2014)
- SG-MP: Study Group on Marine Pollutants
(Jan. 2012 - Dec. 2013)
- SG-RS: Study Group on Radionuclide Science in the North Pacific Ocean
(Jan. 2013 - Jun. 2013)
- SG-USP: Study
Group on Updating the PICES Strategic Plan
(Oct. 2009 - Oct. 2011)
- SG-HD: Study
Group on Human Dimensions
(Oct. 2009 - Oct. 2011)
- SG-SP: Joint
P/ICES Study Group on Developing a Framework for Scientific
Cooperation in Northern Hemisphere Marine Science
(Oct. 2009 - Oct. 2011)
Study Group on Communication
(Oct. 2007 - Oct. 2009)
Study Group on Future Integrative Scientific Program(s)
(May 2005 - Oct. 2009)
Study Group on Restructuring of the PICES Annual Meeting
(Oct.2008 - March 2009)
- IP-WT: Study Group on FUTURE Implementation Plan Writing Team
(Jun. 2008 - Oct. 2009)
- SP-WT: Study Group on FUTURE Science Plan Writing Team
(Jan. 2007 - Apr. 2008)
Study Group on Ecosytem Status Reporting
(Oct. 2006 - Oct. 2007)
Study Group on Marine Aquaculture and Ranching in the PICES
(Oct. 2006 - Oct. 2007)
- SG-SC:
Study Group on Scientific Cooperation between PICES and
non-member countries
(Oct. 2005 - Oct. 2007)
Study Group to develop a strategy for GOOS
(Oct. 2005 - Oct. 2007)
- SG-RPFR: Study Group on PICES
Rules of Procedure and Financial Regulations
(Oct. 2004 - Apr. 2006)
Study Group on Ecosystem-based management science and its
application to the North Pacific
(Oct. 2003 - Oct. 2004)
Study Group on Fisheries and Ecosystem Responses to
Recent Regime Shifts
(Oct. 2003 - Oct. 2004)
- SG-SI:
Study Group on PICES Strategic Plan
(Oct. 2003 - Oct. 2004)
- SG-CB:
Study Group on PICES Capacity Building
(Oct. 2002 - Oct. 2003)
Group on North Pacific Ecosystem Status Report
and Regional Analysis Centers (RAC)
(Oct. 2000 - Dec. 2001)
- Scientific Programs
Forecasting and Understanding Trends, Uncertainty and Responses
of North Pacific Marine Ecosystems
- Disbanded Scientific Programs
Climate Change and Carrying Capacity Program
- Task Teams
- Disbanded Task Teams
- MODEL: Task Team on Conceptual/Theoretical
and Modeling Studies
(Oct. 1995 - Oct. 2009)
- CFAME - Task Team on Climate
Forcing and Marine Ecosystem Response
(Oct. 2004 - Oct. 2009)
Task Team on Basin Studies
(Oct. 1995 - Oct. 2004)
- TT-MONITOR: Task Team on Monitoring
(Oct. 1997 - Oct. 2004)
- TT-REX: Task Team on Regional Experiments
(Oct. 1996 - Oct. 2004)
NEMURO (North Pacific Ecosystem Model for Understanding Regional
Oceanography) Experimental Plan Team
(Oct. 2002 - Oct. 2003)
- Advisory
Advisory Panel for a CREAMS/PICES Program in East Asian Marginal
(Nov. 2005 - Oct. 2019)
- AP-NPCOOS: Advisory Panel on North Pacific Coastal Ocean Observing Systems
(Oct. 2015 - )
- Disbanded Advisory Panels
- AP-MBM: Advisory
Panel on Marine Birds and Mammals
(Oct. 1999 - Oct. 2015)
- AP-AICE: FUTURE Advisory Panel on Anthropogenic Influences on Coastal
(Oct. 2009 - Oct. 2014)
- AP-COVE: FUTURE Advisory Panel on Climate, Oceanographic Variability and
(Oct. 2009 - Oct. 2014)
- AP-SOFE: FUTURE Adisory Panel on Status, Outlooks, Forecasts, and Engagement
(Oct. 2009 - Oct. 2014)
- AP-CPR: Advisory
Panel on the Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey in the North
(Oct. 1998 - Oct. 2014)
- AP-MIE: Advisory
Panel on Micronekton Sampling Inter-Calibration experiment
(Oct. 2002 - Oct. 2009)
Advisory Panel on Iron Fertilization Experiment in the Subarctic
Pacific Ocean
(Oct. 1998 - Oct. 2007)
- AP-NPDB: Advisory Panel on North
Pacific Data Buoy
(Oct. 2001 - Oct. 2006)
- Search Members List
- PICES Structure
In progress:
Capacity Development
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